Orphans and Widows Benefits
The program provides monthly financial support to help people facing challenges resulting from the loss of their family’s breadwinner, and in cases where the benefits for orphans or widows who are entitled to pensions from social insurance are less than the value of this benefit, or in cases where they have no pensions.
Benefit Value:​
The amounts shown below are due from the date of the breadwinner’s death:
  • The widow: the difference between the value of the benefit of RO 80 per month and the value of monthly pensions received from social insurance branches.
  • The orphan: the difference between the value of RO 80 per month, and the value of the monthly pensions from the death pensions as a maximum according to the number of siblings and the death of one or both parents
Eligibility Conditions:
Orphans: The beneficiary must meet the following conditions:
  • The beneficiary is Omani.
  • The beneficiary resides in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • The beneficiary must be 18 years of age.
  • The beneficiary must be an orphan of one or both parents. The beneficiary is deemed an orphan if one or both parents are  unknown.
Widows: The beneficiary must meet the following conditions:
  • The beneficiary is Omani.
  • The beneficiary resides in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • The beneficiary did not reach the age of 60.
  • The beneficiary did not marry after being widow.
Required Data:
  • Civil number in addition to confirming the authenticity of the data on contact and residence details and other information in the civil record of the Royal Oman Police. 
  • The beneficiary must have a personal bank account.
  • The death incident (of the husband, father or mother) is recorded in the civil status record.
How to apply:
  • To apply for this benefit, you need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and confirm the data yourself or through approved service providers on the date that the Fund will announce.