Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases

It is a social insurance program that covers the risks of employment or occupational-related illnesses, whether the disability resulting from injuries are temporary or permanent. The injured person is paid insurance benefits to cover the interruption of income due to the injury. These benefits are graded according to the disability percentage resulting from the injury. The branch shall pay daily allowances throughout the period of the injured person's interruption of work due to injury until his partial or total disability is established. The program also grants compensation or pension, depending on the disability percentage, for cases of partial and permanent disabilities.

Categories Covered:
  • The program must cover all Omanis working in the Sultanate of Oman, including in all types of contracts such as temporary contracts, training contracts and part-time contracts. It also covers retired workers on duty, and members of the Council of Oman and municipal councils.
  • Coverage for non-Omani workers are mandatory after (3) three years from the date of the promulgation of the law in accordance with the categories, rules and regulations issued by the Board of Directors of the Social Protection Fund.
  • Coverage for self-employed Omanis will be by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Social Protection Fund, which will determine the effective date of the provisions on self-employed Omanis.
  • The provisions of this section shall not apply to Omanis working in GCC countries or abroad.
Work Injury and Occupational Diseases Insurance Branch Benefits:
Work interruption allowances (temporarily due to work injury):

Benefit Type
Disability ratioCalculation formula
Discontinuation allowances*
First 6 months

For the following 6 months **
100% of daily wages
75% of daily wages

*Daily allowances are payable if the injury prevents the insured person from performing their work as per a medical report. It will continue for the duration of the insured person’s inability to perform their work until their recovery or condition is confirmed as permanent disability or death, whichever is earlier.

**By decision of the licensed institution or the Medical Committee, the period of payment of the daily allowance may be extended for additional periods and with 75% of the last contribution wage.

Lump sum compensation (one instalment compensation):
Benefit TypeDisability ratio
Calculation Equation
Compensation in lump sum*Less than 30%
(36) × (75%) × percentage deficit × average relative wage

*This disability rate shall not be taken as a ground for termination of the insured person’s service.

Permanent partial disability pension:
Benefit TypeDisability ratioReceivables calculation equation
Permanent partial disability pension*30% to less than 100%(75%) × percentage deficit × average relative wage

*The insured person may combine a permanent partial occupational disability pension with other pensions, benefits and wages.

Permanent partial disability pension:
Benefit TypeDisability ratioReceivables calculation equation
Permanent total disability pension or occupational death100% or death(75%) × relative average wage provided it will not be less than old age pension.
Permanent total disability pension or occupational death during war, military or security operations or during large military exercises100% or death(85%) × relative average wage provided it will not be less than old age pension.
Eligibility Conditions:
  • The injury or illness must be directly related to work and occupational conditions.
  • The employer, the Fund and the competent authorities must be informed of the injury or illness.
  • The disability shall be established and its rate shall be determined by a decision from licensed authorities or the Medical Committee.
  • The payment of daily allowances or compensation for permanent partial disability shall not be made if the insured person deliberately harmed himself or if thee injury is caused by a deliberate deviation in the behaviour of the injured person.


Required Data:
  • The civil number  in addition to confirming the authenticity of contact, residence and other information in the civil record of the Royal Oman Police.
  • The beneficiary must have a personal bank account.
  •  The employer or his representative must notify the Social Protection Fund of the incident within 24 hours of the date of knowledge of the incident through the Fund’s website or other means of communication.
  • Initial medical report certified by a health institution.
  • Report on the insured person’s leave due to injury.
  • Notification of the termination of treatment and return to work.
  • For continued payment of benefits, the insured person must apply for the treatment at the time of notification and not refrain from appearing for treatment and medical visits and examinations, or from pursuing rehabilitation programs by licensed institutions or the Medical Committee. The insured person must refrain from engaging in any activity that is not permitted in accordance with the guidelines of licensed institutions or the Medical Committee, and must attend re-examination sessions requested by the therapist or the Fund.
  • Decision to confirm the percentage of disability from the competent medical committee or licensed medical authority.
How to apply:

You need to access the personal account in the Social Protection Fund and apply for pension/compensation/allowance on the date that the Fund will announce.