The Social Protection Fund is the official entity responsible for launching all social protection initiatives and programs in the Sultanate of Oman. It is an entity with administrative and financial independence established by Royal Decree No. (33/2021). Its mission is to implement the provisions of the Social Protection Law and the relevant legislation, and to cooperate with the authorities dedicated for carrying out protection, empowerment, integration, welfare and support programs to ensure the availability of such programs to eligible categories.
The fund aims to upscale the quality of life by providing social protection, and promote investment in society through social and economic policies and programs. The fund reviews the sustainability, efficiency, adequacy and fairness of the programs and policies. It also cross-checks whether such programs and policies achieve the national goals and objectives in relation to social protection by monitoring their sustainability, integrability, inclusiveness and stability in addition to their impact on the values of social partnership and their ability to preserve the rights of current and future generations.